Experts at Collecting Debts Across the Entire Manufacturing Sector
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What Our Customers Say
Phase 1
Expect our collector to place daily phone calls for the first 14 to 21 days in an attempt to contact the debtor. If all attempts to reach a conclusion to the account fail, we go to Phase Two, where we immediately forward the case to one of our affiliated attorneys located within the debtor’s jurisdiction.
Phase 2
The receiving attorney or one of his staff members will immediately start attempting to contact the debtor via telephone, in addition to the series of letters. If all attempts to reach a conclusion about the account continue to fail, you will have a decision to make.
Phase 3
Our recommendation will be one of two things:
• If after a thorough investigation of the facts surrounding the case and of the debtor’s assets, we determine the possibility of recovery is not likely, we will recommend closure of the case.
• If our recommendation is litigation, you will have a decision to make. If you decide not to proceed with legal action, we will drop the case and you will owe our firm or our affiliated attorney nothing.
Our agency is poised to be able to assist you in any of your debt collection needs. We are capable of handling cases small and large alike and have the capacity to resolve your collection matter regardless of the challenges we will face.